I have to say 2013 was pretty good to me. It was a pretty solid year photo wise. First off, I have to give it up for surviving a whole year in a staff position and also moving up to a larger paper. Take that nay-sayers of the industry. And also I mean I have had some great adventures this year including going to the first NYT Lens Blog Portfolio review which was amazing and also another moment to realize I had to step my game up because I was in the room with over 200 of the best students and professionals from across the country. Had my work reviewed by Santiago Lyon in front of a room of those 200 people and came away with a quote that stuck with me, "Gotta perfect that crossover." Beyond that, just had a pretty good year of shooting. Like every year I pick one or two situations to really hone in on and work on. 2013 was the year of Sports and Portraits and yes, even Sports Portraits are included.
Chillicothe's Rylee Bouillion waits for the umpires call on an attempt to tag out Warren's Hope Murdock at home plate in the top of the first inning of Wednesday's game at the Lady Cavaliers Softball Field.
Chillicothe's Taylor Sprose returns the ball during a game against Lancaster Thursday at the tennis courts at Ohio University-Chillicothe.
Members of the Cowboys run through their banner before the start of the 4, 5 and 6 year old's game against the Vikings Saturday at Yoctangee Park as part of the Scioto Valley Youth League. The flag football games are split between the 4,5 and 6 year olds and the 7 and 8 year olds. The children are coached on the field in between plays to help them get a better understanding of the game. "At this level it's all about structure" said Cowboys assistant coach Arthur Adams. "And that's what we are trying to teach them."
A child watches as Paints' Giancarlo Brugnoni flips over the fence after missing a foul ball during Wednesday's game against Butler at V.A. Memorial Stadium.
Chillicothe High School's C-Section prepares for the last home game of the season against East Clinton with their baby powder toss at kickoff.
Chillicothe Paints' First Baseman Giancarlo Brugnoni
Lighting artist Jeremy Klonicki Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013, at MainfraiM in Rockford. BRENT LEWIS/RRSTAR.COM
Bill Lee, Barber, poses outside of his former shop Saturday at 499 Mill Street. Lee, who had his shop on Mill Street for over 20 years, retired after a 57 years of cutting hair. " I am cutting my third generation of hair" said Lee.
Band director Jordan Yi on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013, at the Jefferson High School band room in Rockford.
That was a the big stuff this year that was getting outside of my comfort zone and trying something completely different. I had to push to get some of those portraits to jump beyond, like using sparklers for the baseball one or hunting around this massive warehouse for something to stick a flash in. I have to say that I am working on that cross over and just trying to get it better. So now here is just a few of my others from the year that were a few of my favorites that I just enjoyed or were just plain good.
John Milliken ties up Milton Bailey's 16 feet 6 inch tall sunflower during the International Sunflower Festival Saturday in Frankfort. Bailey's sunflower won and broke a previous record of 6 feet 3 inches that was set in 2010.
Firefighters work on extinguishing a fire from the west side of a complex on Wednesday at Schooley Station Industrial Park. Over seven crews responded to the fire, which took several hours to extinguish.
Eighth grader, Tiana Ware, plays her violin during her audition during Creative and Performing Arts tryouts Friday, Dec. 6, 2013, at Auburn High School in Rockford.
Elec Simon plays with members of his band on Thursday at Chillicothe Middle School. Simon played for students of the middle school and students with the Pioneer Center as part of Developmental Disabilities Month that is sponsored by Pioneer, Chillicothe School District, Dave Strickland and Accurate Heating and Cooling. Simon, who toured as part of the Broadway musical "Stomp", brought his musical talents and inspirational message to the students.
Jacob Scharfetter gets touched up before walking in the Grand March for prom Saturday at Chillicothe High School.
Bikers make their way on Route 104 after leaving Yoctangee Park en route to Portsmouth Saturday as part of the Tour of the Scioto River Valley event in Chillicothe. The two day event had riders start in Columbus on a roundtrip to Portsmouth with a stop in Chillicothe's Yoctangee Park.
Danny McMullen holds his newly adopted nephew, Zander Barkley, 2, on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013, at the Winnebago County Criminal Justice Center in Rockford. Barkley was adopted by Laura and Craig during the National Adoption Day event, which through the volunteered time of judges and others helped families finalize adoption for 51 children.
2014 is going to be a second year of portraits for me, which won't stop until I get to prove myself to Tom Hanks again. It just haunts me. The addition to 2014 is going to be the year of storytelling. It is something that I have teased with and done a little bit of whenever I get the chance, but I want to dive in and knock out at least 3 stories this year with at least one being several months in the works. Not saying that I didn't get the chance to touch on a few in 2013 which are below, but I just didn't get to fully dive into a subject and see it through. Either like in the "Seven Adoptions", I was never able to get another visit or in the case of the "The Bricks" I was working on it, but I got a new job and had to leave. Inside of that there is going to be a push for multimedia throughout the projects whether it's video, audio, stills, html5 designs, stick figures, whatever, as long as it's going beyond the basic group of photos. I mean I have to continue to work on that crossover.
From "Seven Adoptions"
From "Renewed Glass"
From "The Bricks"
So with that thanks again for looking at my 2013. It has been a blast so far and I am just hoping that bigger and better photos are on the horizon. Thanks and see you in 2014.
B. Lewis