Alright, I would like to welcome you to the first of hopefully many of my Throw Back Thursday blog posts. This is a way to keep me blogging at least weekly and show off a mix between some really really old stuff and some of my favorite assignments over the past 5 years. So I am going to start it off with the one that I thought I was surely going to win CPOY.
When you are younger and just starting off in this field, you think that the big moments are the ones that will get you the job and keep you growing, but then you actually sit down with someone years after you have shot press conferences and news events just to find out that those are really just crap. Welp this was at least one of those big moments that I will always remember and can say that I was at. It's my generations Million Man March. It was the Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
After a lucky last minute media credential, a mother willing to do the 16hr drive and a college newspaper that was gun ho, I got to Washington D.C. without a clue of what I was doing or idea to do something different than everyone else(which I didn't know was a thing to do yet). But it was a wild three days of coverage and got my real first chance to rub elbows with real professional photojournalist. All and all it was an experience and one that I won't forget anytime soon. Also it taught me a couple of things. A. Do something different because no one cares that you have the same photo from every other person next to you. B. Washington D.C. really needs to change their streets to a grid system because that s**t is confusing C. As a photojournalist, you have a front sit to history, so never take it for granted.
Also, I redid this edit because I saw a slight common theme that I didn't know I was going for and it was really the unseen Barack Obama. I mean I ran into the guy twice, but these are kind of a different take on the whole thing. Enjoy and I have at least 3 more of these ready to go for the rest of the month.